About Us

The Best Things In Life Are Meant To Be Shared!

Small Plates
Bursting With Flavour

Veranda Tapas Bar's trend setting multi-ethnic fusion menu is unique in every sense of the word.  Tanzania's first and only Tapas restaurant draws inspiration from all corners of the globe. Striking a perfect balance for vegetarians and non-vegetarian, the team has carefully crafted over forty-five small plates perfectly designed for sharing. 

The menu boasts mouth-watering specialty dishes such as galangal infused Thai ginger fish, herb infused chicken breast wrapped around a tangy olive and perfectly crisped golden prawns.  Alongside these items, the Chefs also serve up some favourites with a twist.  Steamed dumplings are paired with a refreshing mint sauce, succulent lamb souvlakis are finished with a dill-infused yoghurt and the sliders come stacked with jalapeños.

The experience is completed with a full service bar carrying a variety of chilled wines, beers, bubbles and cocktails to sip on.